Red Pilled ReVisionary

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Red Pilled ReVisionary



Truth about our history revealed

'It's the darkest and best kept secret in world history, what happened to Germany during and after the war. Never in history have so many people been raped. Never in history have so many people been tortured. Never in history have so many people been murdered. And never in history have so few people known about it... a crime so staggering that there is no word in the English language that can describe it.' -

- Thomas Goodrich, American historian and author of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany.

documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World War II.

📖 Based on Thomas Goodrich's book, 'Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-47' -

Who was responsible for the plague?

Truth about Jews is antisemitic. Truth must be kept secret.

Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Alister Crowley
They lie about everything

If space is a vacuum, how does the atmosphere stay near the Earth?

No liability for illegal activity by creating an unlawful entity.
Centralized "system of fraud." Child trafficking network.

The players involved

Jeff breaks down the Psyop that was COVID

Truth is antisemitic.

Friday May 17, 2024
Turn off your TV
Aluminum is poisonous to your brain

Scene from the Matrix

Clif High's Substsack Post from May 14, 2024

Russo discusses his interactions with Nick Rockefeller

Sasha relates her awakening to the topic of vaccines

Discussion of the Antisemitism Awareness Act. Truth about a certain ethnic group is illegal. To hell with the First Amendment!

Best Evidence with John Titus

Sacred Geometry

As Ayo Kimathi Says, Jews Are The Problem

Corey Diggs

Adventures in normyland

The realm is created and destroyed 22 trillion times per second. How UFOs travel through space.
The Golden Ratio, The Flower of Life, Sacred Geometry

It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to defend the globe. On the other hand, observations, logic and intuition tells us the earth is flat.
Cling to our brainwashing or think for ourselves. The choice is ours to make.


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

109 videos

Category Vlogging

Searching for Knowledge to obtain Wisdom.